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How To Add Reading Progress In Blogger Website - CreatorFaruk

How to add Reading Progress in blogger website, Add reading progress, Reading Progress in blogger website,
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You don't need any minified javascript or any third party application to implement reading progress bar in Blogger. Unnecessary JavaScript slows down your website. Here we provide you universal code to add a progress bar to any blogger blog website. This is just a similar.

How To Add Reading Progress In Blogger Website - CreatorFaruk

Why do you need a reading progress bar on a website?
A reading progress bar on the website helps the user understand the length of any post and draws attention to your website. It also helps in attracting user interaction and ultimately reduces your bounce rate. Most of the users these days prefer to scroll through articles and scan the title and other important parts of the website No one wants to read long blog posts and their attention span is very short.

So, adding a reading progress bar helps readers understand the content better and makes users want to read the content for a longer time Finally, it helps to increase your adsense income.

Below are the steps to add a reading progress bar in Blogger

before proceeding with any of these steps make sure to take a backup of your theme if you make a small mistake in implementing the code so you can easily revert back to the original state.

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There are three steps you need to follow to add a reading progress bar to your Blogger website.

Step - 1 : Copy the below javascript and paste it above the closing body tag </body> 
 <script>window.onscroll = function() {myFunction()};function myFunction(){var winScroll = document.body.scrollTop || document.documentElement.scrollTop;var height = document.documentElement.scrollHeight - document.documentElement.clientHeight;var scrolled = (winScroll / height) * 100;document.getElementById("myBar").style.width = scrolled + "%";}</script>
Step - 2 : :After that copy the below CSS and paste it above the ]]></b:skin> 
Step - 3 : Paste the HTML code just below the <body> tag 
 <div class='progress-container'><div class='progress-bar' id='myBar'/></div>
Now You Complete all the necessary steps. Just save your theme and your reading progress bar is ready. You can do further customization if you want to change the color of the progress bar. Just change the color code in step 2 background: # F86152 and replace with your color code. You can resize your progress bar by changing the height : 5px to your preferred size.


Follow the above steps with a little care and you can easily add reading progress bar to your blogger website. If you face any kind of problem while doing this you can contact me via email.

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